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New Jersey Personal Injury Blog

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How Long Do I Have to Sue After a Car Accident in NJ

According to state law, if you are involved in a car accident in New Jersey, you have just two years to file a lawsuit.

What is the Average Car Accident Settlement in NJ

Following a New Jersey car crash, injured victims may have a right to sue negligent parties responsible for the accident and recover damages. While taking a car accident to trial, where a jury renders a final verdict, most cases never get that far, and the parties settle before making it to the courtroom.

The Seven Most Famous Celebrity Car Accident Lawsuits

As much as we rely on our cars to get us from one place to another, it’s no secret that accidents can and do happen. Unfortunately, some of these accidents can result in serious injury, property damage, and even fatalities.

Is Ulnar Nerve Entrapment A Work-Related Injury?

Although carpal tunnel syndrome might be the most common and recognized repetitive stress injury facing Pennsylvania workers, ulnar nerve entrapment, commonly known as cubital tunnel syndrome, is another type of work-related injury that workers often face.

What Are The USA’s Largest Trucking Companies?

Trucking companies are truly the backbone of our country’s transportation industry. The USA’s largest trucking companies provide invaluable services that represent a vital part of our economy that keeps the world’s businesses and companies throughout the country running smoothly.

What Does It Mean To Sue Someone?

For most people, the legal system can be both complex and intimidating. Yet, to adequately protect yourself in today’s world, it is essential to have at least a basic understanding of how the courts work.

5 Tips to Negotiate your Personal Injury Settlement

If you have incurred damages because of someone’s negligence or misconduct, you should be determined to obtain fair compensation for it. In order to obtain financial reimbursement from the responsible party, you will have to file a claim with their insurer.

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